Liberty County

Case Situation: Plaintiff claimed injury and ultimately shoulder surgery as a result of attempting to aid the defendant who had a single vehicle accident and ended up hitting a tree. The defendant testified that he hit some foreign object in the roadway, which caused him to lose control and strike the tree. Plaintiff hurt herself trying to extricate the defendant from the vehicle and in running to get help. Defendant admitted consumption of 1 ½ beers, but denied intoxication.

Case Outcome:  Verdict rendered in favor of the defendant. (Trial involved plaintiff attorney Thomas Wheat who had been appointed as Judge of the 75th District Court in l969. The sitting judge, Thomas Cain, of the 75th District Court presided over the trial and plaintiff attorney Zeke Zbranek who later succeeded Thomas Cain as judge of the 75th District Court.)

Case Situation:  Defendant turned left in front of plaintiff but claims plaintiff changed lanes from behind a slow moving 18 wheeler. 

Case Outcome:  Jury found 50% negligence on each party and awarded no damages.