Matagorda County

1. Single car accident which occurred as a result of the Defendant driver swerving to avoid feral hogs on a country road at night. Plaintiffs were defendant’s former girlfriend and her family who were asleep at the time of the accident. Trial began on September 10, 2001 and recessed for the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers. No negligence verdict rendered on September 12, 2001.

2. Auto accident case in which two minor plaintiffs claimed injury. However, the plaintiff driver told her doctor that she hurt herself in cheerleading rather than the accident. The plaintiff passenger admitted that the lawsuit was her dad’s idea. The testifying doctor said that the accident caused low back injuries while the treating chiropractor swore that the accident caused neck injuries only. Jury found negligence against the defendant but no damages.

3. Disputed red light intersectional accident with alleged loss of consciousness, jury found plaintiff 75% negligent and awarded no damages.

4. Auto/pedestrian accident in which defendant admitted cutting through a parking lot. Jury awarded less than pre-suit offer.

5. Three car rear-end accident begun by non-party. Jury found no negligence on defendant.